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LCDs with NVIS compatible backlight

Dual Mode high bright NVIS LCDs:
edge LEDs or panel miniLEDs

MIL-STD-3009 NVIS Compatible Backlighting


ALP developed coating processes that would produce different classes of IR-cut off filters, NVIS filters, suitable for night vision, NVIS, compatible applications. These are some characteristics of our IR filter:


  1.  Sharp IR Cut-Off Coating, Typically Within < 20 µm

  2. Customized IR Cut-Off Specifications

  3. Minimum Color Distortion

  4. MIL-STD-3009 Type I or II class B NVIS

  5. Applicable to LCDs Sizes Up To 62"

  6. Integrable with our High Bright LCD and
    miniLED LCD

  7. Competitively Priced

NVIS compatible product selections:


nvisFilter: GN-A001

  1. IR-Cut Glass for White LED Light

  2. May Be Cut-to-Size

  3. Customized Cut-Off Wavelength


  1. High Bright for Single Mode NVIS 

  2. Meets MIL-STD-3009 NVIS Type I&IIB

  3. Sizes Up To 27"



  1. For Small Size Touch Panels, 2.5"~10.4"

  2. Meets MIL-STD-3009 NVIS Type I&IIB

  3. Competitively Priced



  1. Single Mode or Dual Mode High Bright

  2. Sizes 3.5"~55"

  3. Meets MIL-STD-3009 NVIS Type I&IIB

  4. Competitively Priced


Single mode 6.4" DHA with touch panel

MIL-STD-3009 NVIS Compatible Dual Mode Display Head Assemblies

ALP offers NVIS compatible display head assembly, nvisDHA, with options of integrating selective LCDs, touch screens, micro-mesh EMIs, and heaters. Standard nvisDHA options include: 6.4", 10.4", and 12.1" NVIS display head assembly with sunlight readable resistive touch screen and micro-mesh EMI shield. Please click the below to see the provided specifications: 


7064P4Z09N031N - NVIS compatible 6.4" high bright display head assembly with sunlight readable resistive touch sensor


7104P4Z08N021N - NVIS compatible 10.4" high bright display head assembly with sunlight readable resistive touch sensor


7121P5A09N031N - NVIS compatible 12.1" high bright display head assembly with sunlight readable resistive touch sensor

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